Wraith King 3 Teaser
The first elf walked next to me, and I knew she was keeping her eye on me. I sheathed my sword, in part to keep anything from escalating, but mostly to free my hands in case I needed to use magic.
I led my horse, Ilana led her mare, and Wren led Sarina’s gelding.
“What is your name?” I asked as we picked our way through brambles and thorny bushes.
She cast me a sideways glance. “What is yours, human?”
“My name is Willow. It is the name my lord gave to me.”
I studied her briefly, noting that she was indeed slim and willowy, and I thought the name apt. However, I kept this thought to myself, and instead asked another question. “Does your lord have a name?”
“He does, but I will not tell it. If he chooses to share that with you, then that is his business.”
I’d never met a male elf in charge and was interested to see what he was like. The wood elves were proving to be as different from the dark elves as the dark elves were from humans. Or so I thought. Willow walked in apparent ease, but she maintained that watchful eye.
“Two of your horses are elven,” she said.
“Yes,” I said, deciding not to try to hide the truth. “My mare and Ilana’s were given to us by the Dark Elves of Blackhold.”
If this information surprised Willow, she didn’t let it show.
We walked in silence for some time, and I noticed that the trees had become denser and darker. But the path remained free from things that would try to trip us up. Indeed, it seemed we were on some kind of trail. After an hour of walking, the trees grew taller, their golden branches spreading higher overhead, leaving the ground below shadowy but with a warmer light than I was used to in Hell.
We entered a shaded glen that was dotted with wooden huts in a half circle. In the center was a small community fire where several dogs and pigs wandered freely.
But that’s as far as my observation went, because all I saw after that was naked flesh. Every female elf in the village was naked, and I counted about twenty of them at first glance. Their hair was almost always long and smooth, but of varying shades of gray, purple, brown, and even dark red. Their bodies ranged from pale to olive-skinned to dark.
It was like a nudist colony of elves.
Hope you liked this little excerpt! Wraith King 3 is now available on Amazon, and you can get your copy here to find out what happens.
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