Wraith King 2 Snippet
[et_pb_section fb_built=”1″ _builder_version=”3.25.3″][et_pb_row _builder_version=”3.25.3″][et_pb_column type=”4_4″ _builder_version=”3.25.3″][et_pb_text _builder_version=”3.25.3″]From Chapter One (unedited)
There’s a legend in Hell that the water didn’t always turn to blood. That once the plains were lush with green grasses, and flowers grew over the mounds of the dead. Now, though, the plains were dry, and what vegetation that survived was from hard-working farmers who transported sanctified water to the fields, or from trees so twisted from the ash and red sky that they were no longer green. Now, the harvests didn’t usually feed everyone, and the elves lived chiefly on dried meats with a little bread, cheese, and roots. Now, the elves had to burn the bodies of their dead to prevent the necromancer, the Wraith King, from resurrecting them and using them as slaves or something worse. Now, the elves of Hell celebrated Death Days, not birthdays, and sang departed souls to a better, final resting place.
I wasn’t sure about the other races in Hell, but I assumed they had similar troubles. My stay at Castle Blackhold had been eye-opening, but it was nothing compared to our current mission.
Riding through Hell to rescue your lover sounds romantic, but really it was just full of ash and dark, ominous trees. We—myself, a band of elves, and one succubus—were riding through the mountains to catch a band of slavers who had taken captives after the Battle of Blackhold. One of them was Syn, and elven beauty who was the Captain of the Royal Guard and one of the elves I had bonded with. Our intention was to catch the slavers by taking an alternate, more dangerous route over the mountains, before our enemies could sell their prisoners or something equally nefarious.
We hadn’t sighted anything dangerous all day although Nya, the Dark Elven ruler of Blackhold, assured me these woods were full of monsters. At this stage, with my ass hurting from the saddle and my balls aching from Ilana’s constant teasing looks, I might have welcomed a monster sighting. Or a fight. Or a fuck with Nya and Ilana. Ilana had said that might happen tonight, and I couldn’t stop thinking about it.
“What do people in your world do for birthdays?” Ilana asked. The succubus was riding beside me, her bat-like wings folded beneath a long black riding cloak that opened in the front to display an impressive view of the cleavage spilling out of her corset.
“It depends on the age,” I said, “but cake and candles are usually involved. And presents.”
Ilana put a finger to her lips and tapped them. “I might be able to find candles tonight. The cake would be a bit more difficult.”
“And the presents?” I asked, smiling.
“I’ll have to think about it,” she said playfully. “How many presents do you need?”
I glanced behind to make sure no one was within earshot. Not that it mattered. Elves had superb hearing. Oh well, let them listen. They all seemed to find my sex life fascinating.
Actually, lately, it had been pretty intense. I was fascinated myself.
“I haven’t had a proper birthday in a few years,” I said. “Last year, my buddies took me out drinking. It wasn’t that memorable, really.” They weren’t great buddies. Most of them were assholes, and I didn’t miss them.
“So, you don’t want to drink tonight?” Ilana asked, her voice moving into that seductive range that sent shivers straight to my groin.
“Elven wine makes my head spin. But then again, so do you.” I glanced at the succubus. “But I wouldn’t say no to you.”
She had moved her finger from her lips to her throat and was trailing it down one breast. My breath hitched when she hooked it inside her corset.
“Let me see,” I whispered, glancing around.
—–End Snippet—–
Wraith King 2 releasing November 2019!
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