Wraith King 2 is Live
Well, after a bit longer than I would have hoped for, Wraith King 2 is live on Amazon. I don’t have much to say other than I’m working on the sequel to Incubus, and it should be out in another couple of weeks. In the meantime, here’s a final teaser from WK2. Enjoy!
Slicing the head off the nearest wraith, I let the rage that was now becoming all-too-familiar take control, and I cut down anything that got in my way. I’d been looking for another fight, and now I had one. In fact, I felt more powerful than ever. It seemed with every encounter, I was growing stronger.
After gutting one orc that had been too slow, I turned to face the sorceress herself. She smiled—a chilling, malicious grin. I noticed her right arm was hanging useless at her side. So I had badly injured her shoulder, at least.
“So you’ve come to play, Jon?” she asked.
It wasn’t surprising that she knew my name, but I was laser-focused on her and couldn’t be bothered with banter. Instead of stepping forward and attacking, though, I let that fire build inside me. And this time, I had an outlet.
I made the sign Sarina had shown me, casting it toward the sorceress. For an instant, she looked surprised, but then she made her own sign and repelled the fire that shot from my hand. It ricocheted from her and hit a wraith, which screeched as its robes went up in flames.
My spell pushed the sorceress back, though, and I used that to my advantage. Leaping forward, I cast another fire spell at her while attacking with my sword. As far as I could see, she wasn’t armed, so if I could get in close enough, this should be an easy kill.
She put out her left hand, and something seemed to shoot out of it, but it wasn’t fire. It was more like a ghost. I sidestepped away from it, throwing myself into a roll to avoid it as it whooshed past my head.
Around me, as if in the distance even though it must have been close, I heard the distinct sounds of more forces joining the fray and knew that Nya had arrived with the rest of the elves. The sorceress was distracted momentarily, and I used it to my advantage. Stepping forward, I swung my sword with two hands, aiming for her neck. But she blocked me with another spell, and my blade flew out of my hands.
Again rolling to avoid more spells, I ended up rising to confront a mangy Hellhound with blood dripping from its mouth. My first dagger had been dropped somewhere, but I had another. Unsheathing it just in time, I dodged the beast’s teeth and stabbed upward into its throat. Then I opened it from jaw to breastbone in one stroke, and the animal fell in a shower of blood.
A fleeting thought passed where I wondered if the Hellhound had used to be human, but there wasn’t time to feel anything but the rage of battle. The sorceress was now fighting three elves at once, but I didn’t have a chance to return to that fight just yet. There were enemies between us. Finding my sword, I picked it up and turned it on the nearest orc.
If you are ready to read the entire book, it’s available now. Use the buttons below, and don’t forget to let me know what you think!
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