Rogan’s Monsters Teaser #1
Here’s the first teaser for an upcoming monster girl, sword and sorcery, post-apocalyptic, isekai harem fantasy… it’s gonna be EPIC!
I was taking a leak when the siren sounded. “Fuck,” I said, and tried to force myself to pee faster.
“Move it! Move it! Move it!”
That was the Sarge’s booming voice, coming from the barracks next to the latrines. He was yelling at the new recruits. “Come on, ladies! This is not a drill! You have one minute, count them, one minute, to gather your gear and get your asses onto the transport! Shit is going to get very real, damn fast! Move it, move it, move it!”
“Shit,” I said. I felt a lurch in the pit of my stomach. This was what I’d come back for. What I’d been looking forward to ever since getting half my leg blown open by an enemy energy blast. The leg still wasn’t one hundred percent and would never be, but with the damned goblins engaged on a mission of total annihilation, anyone capable of standing upright and holding a gun had found themselves in a uniform of some kind.
Or back in uniform, as was my case.
Not that I didn’t want to do my part. I couldn’t wait to get my revenge for all the surgeries, all the pain, and all the righteous anger that had pent up inside me.
Still, the last thing I wanted was to face those awful space monsters with piss staining my pants, so I stayed where I was for just a few seconds more and hoped that the Sarge wouldn’t–
“Ward! It’s going to take you twice as long as my slowest recruit to get ready!”
Ward. That was me. Rogan Ward. The Sergeant was standing behind me in the doorway, and I could picture his expression of disgust even though I was focused on something else entirely. He was a blocky, scary-looking guy with a burn scar covering his left arm. He’d been a pain in my ass ever since I’d hobbled off the transport and limped onto the base yesterday to join the new recruits, even though I technically wasn’t one.
“Sir! No sir!” I bellowed. “Just finishing up!”
“You’ve got ten seconds or you’ll get my foot in your ass for making me wait!” the Sarge replied.
I knew what he was thinking. It was what they all thought. Under normal circumstances, I shouldn’t have been allowed back. I was damned slow, with a hobble that made me shuffle worse than a one-legged zombie.
Still, I could point and shoot, which made me valuable enough to allow me back into combat. The Army hadn’t even made me stop the painkillers for the occasion—a sign that they were truly desperate.
Likely I would die, but not without taking more than my share of the enemy with me. The goblins, the wraiths, those alien shitbags that had come to my world to murder us all. Who wouldn’t want to grab a gun and blast them off the face of the planet?
My head was willing, and my heart was filled with righteous indignation. But my body didn’t match my desires, not anymore, and that disconnect caused all sorts of problems.
The new recruits had tried to start a betting pool about how long it would take me to die out on the battlefield. Until the Sarge set them straight about the origin of my shuffle. In my short stay here it had been the only time the Sarge had acknowledged that I’d already lost much to the war with the goblins. But he still didn’t like me.
He didn’t think I should be there, and I didn’t blame him. All I could do was try to prove him wrong.
I squeezed the last drop and tucked myself away. Then I scrambled as best I could to where I had dropped my gear, while the siren was still sounding and everyone else was getting ready. I’d arrived with orders to catch one of the transports heading out, but I hadn’t known they were all leaving today.
By the looks of things in camp, no one else had, either.
“Thirty seconds!” Sarge yelled. “Move it! Move it! Move it!”
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