Incubus 2 Teaser #1
—Unedited teaser from Incubus 2—
Whatever we needed to do, we would do it.
The time for reflection had past. We strode into the middle of the betting shop, with me trying not to throw up because of the garish colors and hideous carpet, and with nobody paying us much attention.
I didn’t like that at all, because it went against what we strove to do, so I let off a two-second burst of fire from my gun to get some attention.
“Don’t just stand there!” I yelled. “Get out! You’ve got three seconds, or I’ll fill your stupid asses with lead!”
Some of the patrons were frozen in terror but others were quick to react. A surge of people started toward the door, and I gave the rest a hurry up. “Move it! Move it! Move it!” I let off another burst of fire to make sure they got the message, and the previously orderly betting shop turned into chaos.
It was delightful. Gratifying on a cellular level. But we didn’t have time to admire the stampede.
Piper took my lead and joined in with the yelling. She pointed her guns at the people behind the counter, two men and a woman, and added to the confusion.
“Not you!” she bellowed. “You get to stay there!”
She might have said more, but one of the tellers was quick to act. They hit the panic button, and the whole place filled with the sound of a siren. It was loud and piercing, and I had no choice but to try to protect my ears against it.
But that wasn’t the worst. The worst was that a set of steel shutters slammed down between us and the tellers, completely blocking them from view.
I uttered a curse, but Piper’s response was more pragmatic. She looked the steel shutters over and noted that they didn’t go all the way up to the ceiling.
They were open at the top.
“Do you know what happens,” she shouted through the sirens, “when you enclose a grenade in a space with no windows?” She waited half a second, but nobody answered. “It compresses the blast. Makes it stronger.” Casually, as if she was just talking and not shouting at the top of her lungs, she continued. “I’ve always wanted to see that, and now you have given me the chance. If you don’t open up, you’ll get to see it as well. You have until the count of three. One. Two.”
“How do we know you won’t kill us anyway?” someone yelled from within.
“I guess you’ll just have to take our word for it. It’s a bet either way. Fairly fitting, don’t you think? Now, what was I up to?”
“Two,” I provided.
—End Teaser—
Hope you enjoyed this little scene (and a look at the in-progress artwork)! Incubus Mini-Boss will be available in just a few days. To get the first one, Incubus Hitman, go here.
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